Browse Marginalia

The marginalia are ordered chronologically. Unlike the realia, there is no subject or persons repertorium. Browsing is possible if you click on ‘Date’ or ‘Archive Reference’, a reference to the inventory number and folio number. When a researcher clicks on the archive reference item or icon, a new tab will open with the scan of the folio that corresponds with the marginalium.

Date Description Archive Reference
Oct. 30, 1685 Den jongst vercooren seconde van Malacca Dirck Comans tot oppercoopman met 80 guldens geadvanceerd file 2499, folio 862
Oct. 30, 1685 En tot secretaris van heeren Schepenen den geswooren clercq Pieter Kettingh aangestelt file 2499, folio 862
Oct. 30, 1685 ’t Jagtje de Snauw na Malacca file 2499, folio 863
Oct. 30, 1685 Schrijvens[363] na Cormandel en Malacca file 2499, folio 863
Oct. 31, 1685 Resolutie wegens de zaaken van Souratta file 2499, folio 863
Oct. 31, 1685 Aangekomene vaartuygen file 2499, folio 863-866
Oct. 31, 1685 Vertrockene vaartuygen file 2499, folio 866-868
Oct. 31, 1685 Overledene file 2499, folio 868
Oct. 31, 1685 Gedoopte file 2499, folio 868
Oct. 31, 1685 Getrouwde file 2499, folio 869
Nov. 1, 1685 De fluyt de Krijgsman uyt Bengale file 2499, folio 871
Nov. 1, 1685 Desselfs inladinge file 2499, folio 871
Nov. 1, 1685 Schrijvens[364] van den Edelen Joan Pit en raad tot Ougly file 2499, folio 871
Nov. 1, 1685 Nieuws uyt Bengale file 2499, folio 871-872
Nov. 1, 1685 Domine Joannes Ruterius na ’t vaderlant verlost file 2499, folio 872
Nov. 2, 1685 De cat Opmeer van Ceylon over Cormandel file 2499, folio 872
Nov. 2, 1685 Met verscheyde brieven[365] file 2499, folio 872-873
Nov. 2, 1685 Nieuws van Souratta file 2499, folio 873
Nov. 2, 1685 Jaffanapatnam file 2499, folio 874
Nov. 2, 1685 En Cormandel file 2499, folio 874