Browse Marginalia

The marginalia are ordered chronologically. Unlike the realia, there is no subject or persons repertorium. Browsing is possible if you click on ‘Date’ or ‘Archive Reference’, a reference to the inventory number and folio number. When a researcher clicks on the archive reference item or icon, a new tab will open with the scan of the folio that corresponds with the marginalium.

Date Description Archive Reference
Oct. 10, 1716 Brief van Bantam file 2544, folio 682
Oct. 10, 1716 Bon met het gemelte opperhoofd Abraham Patras van Palembang file 2544, folio 682-683
Oct. 10, 1716 Lading van de Bon file 2544, folio 683
Oct. 10, 1716 Ter Horst uyt het vaderland file 2544, folio 683
Oct. 10, 1716 Met de nevenstaande advysen file 2544, folio 684-685
Oct. 10, 1716 En lading file 2544, folio 685-686
Oct. 11, 1716 ’t Huys ter Loo met den Eerwaarden Anthony Hoyer van Java’s Oostcust file 2544, folio 686-687
Oct. 11, 1716 Aengebragte houtwerken met dien bodem file 2544, folio 687
Oct. 11, 1716 Briefje van Bantam file 2544, folio 687
Oct. 11, 1716 Briefje na Palembangh file 2544, folio 688
Oct. 12, 1716 Pieter Slijper met de nevenstaande vaartuygen weder na den Engelsman file 2544, folio 688
Oct. 13, 1716 Ter Horst en Schooteroog na Bengale en Cormandel aangelegt file 2544, folio 688
Oct. 14, 1716 Per ’s conings afgesondene briefje na Bantam file 2544, folio 688-689
Oct. 15, 1716 Translaat briefje van den Tommagon Tjsitra Soema tot Japara ter secretarye ontfangen file 2544, folio 689-690
Oct. 17, 1716 Briefje van Cheribon file 2544, folio 690
Oct. 18, 1716 Schellenberg na Cabo de Boa Esperance file 2544, folio 691
Oct. 18, 1716 Lading van dien bodem file 2544, folio 691-692
Oct. 20, 1716 Per Chinees apart en gemeen schrijvens na Samarang file 2544, folio 692
Oct. 20, 1716 Brief van den Chinees coopman tot Banjermassing hiernevens insgelijft file 2544, folio 692-694
Oct. 21, 1716 Aankomste der Bimase gesanten file 2544, folio 695