Browse Marginalia

The marginalia are ordered chronologically. Unlike the realia, there is no subject or persons repertorium. Browsing is possible if you click on ‘Date’ or ‘Archive Reference’, a reference to the inventory number and folio number. When a researcher clicks on the archive reference item or icon, a new tab will open with the scan of the folio that corresponds with the marginalium.

Date Description Archive Reference
May 17, 1754 Korte sterkte: 55 file 2584, folio 77
May 17, 1754 Item van ’t Engels schip Princes Gosta? uyt Londen file 2584, folio 78
May 18, 1754 Mitsgaders van ’t uytkomend schip Voorburg file 2584, folio 78
May 18, 1754 Insertie van de korte sterkte van Voorburg file 2584, folio 78
May 20, 1754 Retour van het schip de Orange Zaal van Bantam file 2584, folio 78
May 20, 1754 En komst van ’t schip Visvliet file 2584, folio 79
May 20, 1754 Mitsgaders Ruyteveld en Mariënbosch uyt Nederland file 2584, folio 79
May 20, 1754 Korte sterkte van die kielen file 2584, folio 79-80
May 20, 1754 Item de Erffprins file 2584, folio 80-81
May 20, 1754 Insertie van de korte sterkte van de Erffprins file 2584, folio 81
May 20, 1754 Item de fluyt de Drie Heuvelen file 2584, folio 81
May 20, 1754 Komt van het Engels compagniessschip Lord Anson file 2584, folio 82
May 21, 1754 Depeche van Rhoon over China na Nederland file 2584, folio 82
May 21, 1754 Met den directeur Eyso de Wint file 2584, folio 82
May 21, 1754 En Ghiessenburg na Cochin China file 2584, folio 82
May 21, 1754 Mitsgaders Hartekamp over Bengale na Nederland file 2584, folio 82-83
May 22, 1754 Arrive van Zuydenburg van Ceylon file 2584, folio 83
May 24, 1754 En depeche van de Overmaas over Poelo Gondi na Poelo Chinco file 2584, folio 83
May 24, 1754 Met schrijvens so na derwaarts als Bantam file 2584, folio 83-84
May 25, 1754 Gehouden justitie bij heeren scheepenen file 2584, folio 84